Please consider this is general information, each program has specific eligibility requirements, dates and fees.


What’s the program eligibility?

To apply for our programs, you must meet the following criteria:
• Currently enrolled in an educational institution (Diploma or Bachelor’s degree).
• Studying a degree related with the internship you are applying for.
• Conversational level of English.
• Aged between 18 – 27 years old.
• Be able to present for visa application:
o Proof of studies. Issued, signed, and sealed by the university to confirm status as a current student.

I graduated more than 12 months ago, can I still apply?

Yes, you can still apply to the following programs:

o Hospitality: UAE
o Professional: UAE


What’s the total investment?

Enrollment fee : Pay it to secure your spot in the program and start the placement process.

Program fee: Pay it once you accept an internship offer and start the visa process.

Flight Ticket: Not included in the program fees. Please do NOT buy your flight ticket before visa has been approved. 

 Living Expenses: For most of our programs housing is already covered, please consider between 200 – 500 USD per month, this will depend on the destination and personal habits.

Can I cover my living expenses with the stipend I receive from the company?

• Professional programs: the stipend may help you cover lunch and local transportation. However, we encourage you to budget between 300USD – 500 USD per month for other leisure activities.

• Hospitality and Impact programs: Yes, you will be able to make a very basic living with the compensations received such as housing and meals. However, this will not give you any chance to explore, we encourage you to budget a minimum of 300 USD per month for leisure.

What’s included in the Program fees?

All programs include:
• CV assessment
• Interview training
• Internship offer
• Guaranteed placement
• Visa orientation and documents review
• Pre-arrival orientation
• Support during the entire internship
• Visa extension assistance
• Internship certificate

Professional All-inclusive Includes all the above plus
• All-inclusive housing in a private room
• Utilities and Wi-Fi
• Airport pick-up
• Sim and Metro Card
• Local support


What are the living conditions like?

Quality assurance: Regardless the variations in each program, we personally visit all the places where our interns stay. Interns also submit an evaluation of the accommodation to help us filter and provide you with the best living conditions.

• Professional All-inclusive: You can expect premium conditions as this housing is included in the program and provided by Worldwide. Accommodation is ready-to-check-in and hazzle free. Before your arrival you will be assigned a room and an apartment depending on your work location and arrival dates. All apartments are equipped with Wi-Fi, air conditioning or fans, furnished kitchen, and a living room. After we pick you up from the airport, we will take you directly to your apartment. A deposit is required to be paid in cash at arrival (the amount varies depending on the destination). This deposit will be reimbursed during check-out after confirming there is no damage to the property.

• Professional Placement: We recommend this option for internships longer than 3 months. It gives you the opportunity to look for an apartment on your own and pay the rent monthly. We will provide you with a guide of prefiltered options that we know are reliable and introduce you to other interns that may be vacating them or want to share a room. Please notice that with this option, you will need to contact the landlords directly to coordinate pricing, deposit payment and contract.

• If your internship is less than 3 months, we don’t recommend this option as it will be a lot of hazzle to find short-term accommodation.

• Impact: As this program normally takes place in rural areas, we encourage you to prepare for extremely basic living conditions. You can expect to have a single bed in a shared room, and common areas with 2 or 3 others.

• Hospitality: The conditions vary a lot because housing is provided by your host company as part of the compensations. In some cases interns stay at one of the hotel rooms (lucky ones!) , others stay in staff dormitories (similar to a student residence). Apartments leased by the host company, and a stipend to rent a room for themselves are also possible options. We encourage you to prepare for extremely basic living conditions. You can expect to have a single bed in a shared room, and common areas with 2 or 3 more persons. If you prefer to have your own place, it is possible, just let us know in advance and we will help you with the search. Please consider that you will need to cover the cost.

Who will I be sharing my room with?

• Professional: You will have a private room, so you don’t need to share it with others. However, you will be sharing the common areas of the apartment with other interns or international students. We normally mix females and males in the same apartment. If you have personal requests such as just female/male apartment or want to share apartment with your friends (also participating in the program), please let us know before enrolling and we will confirm if there is availability.

• Hospitality: The room will be shared with other interns or staff of the host company. Rooms are normally for same sex; they are not mixed dorms. Normally a room accommodates 2 people, but in many facilities, rooms are bigger and can accommodate up to 6 people in bunkbeds. We encourage you to inform us in advance if you have any personal requests.

• Impact: The room is normally shared with 1-2 people. Rooms are usually assigned just for program participants. In this case, it is very likely that it will be a mixed room.


When do I have to apply?

You can apply 12 months in advance. We encourage you to apply for the program ideally 6 months, minimum 3 months, before your starting date. Please consider there are limited spots and vacancies in each program, the sooner you apply the better.

Can I extend my internship?

Yes, you can extend it. However, this will be an independent agreement between you and your host company. You will need to notify us.

Can I shorten my internship?

Yes, just in very extreme conditions, such as health problems or death of a relative. If that’s the case, we will ask you to notify us before resigning.

How does the placement process work?

• You will be presented with a list of vacancies matching your profile (desired position, length and starting date). You can choose your top 5 vacancies out of those and we will introduce your profile to them.

• If you are short-listed, an interview will be arranged via Skype. If successfully passed, you will receive a draft internship offer including all details such as company details, position, tasks, and compensations (if any). At this point you must pay the program fees within a maximum of 48 hours to confirm the acceptance of the offer.

• If you are not short-listed, you can apply for other vacancies. In case you are still not short-listed, you can still apply to as many vacancies as you want, however, you can have a maximum of 5 active applications at any given time.

When does the placement process begins?

• The placement process begins 4 months before your starting date.

• If you enrolled into the program with more than 4 months in advance you will be given priority to available vacancies. Vacancies are normally open 3 to 6 months before the starting date.

Can I choose a specific company?

• You can choose the company and vacancy of your interest among the available vacancies matching your profile.

• We pre-screen our partner host companies to ensure the quality of the internship. Therefore, the available vacancies are limited to the companies that we have partnership with.

What happens if I miss one interview?

• If you accept an interview, but do not show up, you will be penalized, and lose the right of getting your enrolment fee refunded. If you do not show for a second interview previously accepted by you, the placement process will automatically be stopped, and you will be withdrawn from the program. It is very important to attend an interview once you accept it.

• Once you receive an interview request, please adapt to the time and dates requested. The companies will give priority to the candidates who accept an interview in the first request.

How long does it take to get an offer?

• The average time to receive an offer is 4.5 weeks after the placement process begins. However, it varies a lot depending on your profile, available vacancies, destination, and time of application.

• We guarantee that you will receive an internship offer in a maximum of 12 weeks. If by week 4 you have not received an offer, we will be in touch to detect if there are problems with your CV/Resume format, your number of applications or your interview skills. If by week 8 you still have not received an offer, we will give you personal training and send your CV to different companies.

• In case you reach week 12 and you still did not receive an offer, you will have the option to get a refund or keep on going with the process for another 4 weeks. If by week 16 you are still unable to get an offer, the placement process will stop, and you will get a refund of the enrolment fee.

Over 97% of the candidates received an internship offer in less than 12 weeks. Therefore, it is very likely that you will be accepted, if you follow our advice and training.

Can I choose a specific company?

• You can choose the company and vacancy of your interest among the available vacancies matching your profile.

• We pre-screen our partner host companies to ensure the quality of the internship. Therefore, the available vacancies are limited to the companies that we have partnership with.


Can I choose a specific city for my internship?

  • Hospitality: as we have vacancies all over the country, we request your flexibility to be placed in any of the available cities.
  • Professional and Impact: these programs take place in one specific city, so you will know the location before applying.

I am applying with my friend(s), can we intern in the same company?

  • It is very unlikely that two people will be chosen by the same company. We do not recommend it because it limits your immersion into the company and networking possibilities.
  • We can assist you and your friend(s) to stay in the same accommodation (For Professional/Impact) or in the same city (for Hospitality) to enjoy the experience together.

What if the internship is not what I expected?

  • If this happens, we will have a meeting between HR, the intern, and the direct supervisor to identify the problem. In most of the cases we solve it with training or a change in job positions. If the problem continues, we can request the company to move the intern to another department. This situation normally solves the problem, and inters find a more challenging internship. Please note that it is not possible to change host company during your internship. Most of the cases just require time for adaptation.
  • While this is a situation that can happen, our best recommendation is to clear out all your questions during the interview with the host company. We do our best to provide as much information as possible about the vacancy, host company and destination. However, the best way to know what the experience might be like, it is by clearing all your doubts thoroughly with the host company and us.

What if I receive a job offer after my internship?

  • That is great news, and it happens to around 60% of our interns! If that is the case, you will decide on your own, and directly negotiate the working conditions with the company. It is important to mention that the program’s objective is not to find a job, so if a job opportunity arises, neither the company nor the intern will pay any fees to Worldwide Internships.

Do you assist with university accreditation?

  • Yes, we do assist with all the documents requested by your university to get accreditation. The host companies are also aware that they may need to fill out evaluations during and after the internship for your university.

What documents do I receive after completing my internship?

  • You will receive a certificate of completion issued by Interns-Hub Internships. Most of companies also provide a recommendation letter but it must be requested directly to Human Resources.

Do you process the visa?

  • No, all visa process is a personal procedure. However, we assist you by providing you with the information you may be requested by the embassy, the type of visa, the documents required, processing time and the cost.


  • We will also provide you with the formats such as university agreement, recommendation letters, employment letters, and other related documents. After providing you with a “visa guide” and all the formats, we will set a deadline requesting you to submit all the visa required documents. We will review them to ensure their correct submission to the embassy.


  • Inturns-Hub will assist in gathering all required documents and aid during the entire application. The candidate must be aware that the visa process is independent to the internship placement process, and thus visa acceptance cannot be guaranteed.

Who should I contact in case of emergency?

  • Each participant will be assigned a Support Coordinator who can be contacted via Whatsapp 24/7 for emergencies. An emergency is considered:

    • Lost or stolen passport
    • A medical emergency
    • Death of an immediate family member
    • Being arrested

      The first person to contact in case of emergency is your mentor inside the company, and secondly your Support Coordinator. They will give you the necessary support to solve the problem. It is also important to notify your relatives only after the situation passed, as they are far away and unable to help you locally.

      In case you are feeling sick, please contact your Support Coordinator, and we will help you contact your insurance provider.

Do you provide support in buying flight tickets?

  • We do not sell flight tickets, but we have agreements with different travel agencies that can provide you with discounts. We do not receive any commissions; the discount is completely for you. It is important that you buy a flight ticket only after you have your visa confirmed.

Can I travel during my internship?

  • You are strictly prohibited to travel to another country while participating in a program. However, you are free to travel in the same country during the weekends. Our recommendation is to travel before or after your internship.

Is travel insurance included in the program?

  • It is not included in the program fees. You are free to get one on your own or choose the one we offer.

How much time will I spend on my daily commute?

  • It all depends on the destination. However, as most of the internships take place in international cities, you will have different choices of public transportation. You can expect a daily commute of 15 to 45 minutes maximum.

Do you provide weekend activities?

  • Weekend activities are not included in any of the programs. We believe that exploring the city is a good way to get to know it. We organize monthly gatherings to meet other interns and invite you to join groups of other program participants in the same city. Networking is an important part of the experience and normally interns expand it through colleagues, roommates and other program participants.

Do you recommend bringing cash or card?

  • We recommend bringing 500 to 1,500 USD or its equivalent in the local currency in cash for emergencies or to cover the first expenses. We recommend getting a travel debit card or contacting local banks (that are also available in your home country) to issue a card beforehand. Please also bring a debit/credit card (ideally Visa or Mastercard) from your home country. If it is Visa or Mastercard, it is very likely you will be able to use it directly at local shops. This card will also allow your parents to send you money and withdraw it at a local ATM.